Previous Tax Bulletins


It is undeniable that Panama has developed a modern tax system. Panamanian tax legislation and related regulations have always been structured to promote legitimate operations, with the additional advantage of having simple and expeditious procedures and a fiscal policy based on the principle of territoriality.

Being a firm that is at the forefront in technological advancement, we were the first, in Panama, to venture into the cyber space, with our direct Internet site, and the unique CyberFiscal system.

In all our time as a respectable accountanting firm, we have been concerned that our clients and friends are up-to-date, in everything related to tax matters, because it became one of our main objectives to find a better way to provide a service of quality that kept informed about the latest reforms and news, that in tax matters, occurred in our midst. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating a Fiscal Bulletin that is issued at least twice a month arises.

On April 24, 1995, we began this arduous task, by launching our first Fiscal Bulletin, with a modern and didactic style for the better understanding of our readers. As of today, we have issued more than 1,000 Fiscal Bulletins. If you wish to access any of the previous editions of this valuable publication, you can contact us through the Contact section of this website.

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